


来自网络 2009-08-13 15:04:01



  After the three little pigs come back to China, they are very busy. The first little pig 办了一所education college, an English school, and a kindergarten.His kindergarten is very interesting. It is a kingergarten for animals. The second little pig办了three hospitals. The first hospital is for animals. The second hospital is for children. The third hospital is for old people. The third little pig办了一所computer college and a computer company,专门设计开发各种各样的office软件,办公软件,education软件and游戏软件。总得来说,the three little pigs in the US and the UK 学习的知识和和本领都派上了用场,他们的事业比出国前更兴旺发达了。But, 事业也并不总是让人顺心如意。

  当三只小猪回到中国之后,他们非常的忙碌。第一只小猪办了一所教育学院,一所英语学校,一所幼儿园,他的幼儿园非常有意思,这是一所动物幼儿园。第二只小猪办了三所医院。第一所是动物医院,第二所是儿童医院,第三所是老人医院。第三只小猪办了一所电脑学院和一家电脑公司,专门设计开发各种各样的office软件,办公软件,教育软件和游戏软件。总得来说,三只小猪在英国和美国学习的知识和和本领都派上了用场,他们的事业比出国前更兴旺发达了。但是, 事业也并不总是让人顺心如意。

  One day, the second little pig接到his cousin, happy pig打来的telephone call. Happy pig就是当年the three little pig出国留学前被the second little pig请来做
  three little pig farm manager的那位cousin,经过three years of hard work,happy pig is a good manager now. 他现在一点都不偷懒了。But he is not very clever. 别人知道他脾气好,为人随和,平时总爱占他的小便宜,甜言蜜语,为的是在his farm谋一份较好的工作,像Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu就是典型的例子。Mr. Liu is twenty-two years old. And Mr. Zhang is twenty-four years old.他们本来都是three little pig farm里的普通工人,后来通过在manager面前说好话,经常奉承the manager, they make Happy pig very happy, 结果happy pig就让他们当上了the three little pigs farm的财务人员,专门负责money, 自从Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu负责Three Little Pigs Farm's财务工作以来,也就是在过去的two years当中,Happy pig时不时地发现money会莫名其妙地少了a little. But he is not very 警惕,because一般情况下,the company's money每次只少了a little, 数量不大。But this time he calls his cousin because his farm发生了重大的money被盗案,这一回他给他的堂哥打电话是因为他的农场发生了重大的现金被盗案。After the second little pig接到his call, he calls 110, and goes to three little pigs' farm. In ten minutes, 他到达了案发现场,也就是three little pigs' 财务office. Mr. Black Cat and two other police officers are in the office. 他们比the second little pig提前three minutes 到达案发现场.


  Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu are in the office, too. Mr. Liu's hands被人捆绑在一把chair上,his face有一道伤口,blood还在慢慢地come out. 他看上去Very害怕,and very痛苦。Mr. Zhang说,I come into this office at three twenty this afternoon. I see Mr. Liu in this chair, his hands被人绑了起来,his face有blood,his mouth也被人用毛巾堵住了。当我把毛巾从他嘴里拔出来时,he tells me two thieves come into this office, and打伤了他,把his hands绑再了chair上,然后把所有的money in the office 都抢走了。Mr. Black Cat一边liten 一边记录,然后他说,May I ask you some questions, Mr. Liu? Mr. Liu说,yes, of course. Mr.Black Cat说,Can you 描述一下the two men的相貌?Mr. Liu说,yes, of course. The two men都用black cloth蒙住了their faces. I can only see their eyes. Their hands都戴着gloves,所以他们都没有留下手印。Mr. Black Cat一边liten 一边记录,同时他的两只眼睛把office的每一个角落都仔细扫了一遍。Mr. Liu讲完之后,Mr. Black Cat问Mr. Zhang, May I ask you some questions, Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang说,yes, of course. Mr. Black Cat说,Do you smoke? Mr. Zhang说,No, I don't. Mr. Black Cat又问Mr. Liu, do you smoke, Mr.Liu? Mr. Liu说,No, I don't. 只见Mr. Black Cat弯下腰去,从地板上拾起一根好像是刚刚抽过的烟头,他说,这只香烟是谁抽的?Mr. Liu说,One of the two thieves嘴里叼着一根香烟。Mr. Black Cat又问,How come your face有一道伤口?Mr. Liu说,One of the two thieves猛打my face. Mr. Black Cat说,好像你的伤口是被很硬而且有点尖的东西划破的。Mr. Liu说,yes, police officer, my face是被戒指划破的。One of the thieves' hand上戴着一枚戒指。Mr. Black Cat接着问,是金戒指还是钻石戒指? Mr.
  Liu说,是金戒指,金黄色的,我看得清清楚楚。听到这里,Mr. Black Cat微微一笑,他对the second little pig and happy pig说,ok, 案子已经解决了,thieves也已经查出来啦,you can go back to your work now. 该干什么就该什么。Your money will come back right away.然后他对站在身边的two police officers说,Please catch Mr.Zhang and Mr.Liu, 把他们押上the police car and go back to my office. The two police officers说了声yes就用手铐将Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhang's hands 拷起来。Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhang大叫冤枉,Mr. Black Cat, I am not the thief.How can you catch me? 然后黑猫先生就把他的分析讲给了大家听,张先生和刘先生不得不低下了头。




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