


互联网 2016-08-09 10:32:06



  Do you remember Mr. Brown Cat? He's a music teacher. He teaches his students not only to play the piano, but also play the violen. 他不仅教他的学生弹钢琴,而且还教他们拉小提琴。In his spare time, 在他的业余时间里,he teaches his students to sing songs in English,他教他的学生用英语唱歌。He finds, 他发现,children love to sing songs in English. One day, he calls Education TV, 他打电话给教育电视台,and says, Helllo, I am Mr. Brown Cat. I find children love to sing songs in English. Do you want to have an English卡拉OK competition? 你们想不想举办一场英语卡拉OK大奖赛?If you do, I can help you...What? 什么?You do? 你们真的想这么做?Ok, I will help you.

  The next morning, China Education TV paper, 中国教育电视报,就刊登了广告。广告词是这样写的:"Do you like singing? 你喜欢唱歌吗?Do you like to sing songs in English? If you do, please come to our Education TV English卡拉OK Competition on Christmas Day. 请再圣诞节这一天来参加我们的教育电视台英语卡拉OK大奖赛。"

  Christmas Day,圣诞节,就是每年的12月25日,离New Year's Day只差six days, 离元旦只差六天。通常people都把这两个节日放在一起庆祝,that is why在年底,people often email each other "Merry Christmas and a happy New Year." 所以在年底,人们常常互相发电子邮件,祝亲朋好友圣诞快乐,新年快乐。12月25号很快就到了。Education TV English卡拉OK Competition由Mr. Brown Cat主持。

  "Good morning, ladie and gentlemen. Today is Christmas day, and in six days, New Year's Day will come.再过六天,元旦就到了。I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 我祝各位圣诞快乐,新年快乐。Today, we have eighteen students, 我们有十八位同学,参加Education TV English卡拉OK Competition, and we have six judges, 我们请来了六位评委。They are Professor Wu, from Beijing Foreign Language University 北京外国语大学的吴教授,he is a very famous English professor, 他是一名非常著名的英语教授。Professor Lin, from Beijing Music School, 北京音乐学校的林教授,she is a very famous music professor, 她是一位著名的音乐教授。Professor Yang, from Shanghai Music School, she is very famous for her beautiful voice, 杨教授的歌喉甜美,闻名全国。Professor Li,from Tianjin Music School, he is a famous piano professor. 他是一位著名的钢琴教授。Professor Zhang from Chongqing Music School, she is very famous for playing the violin, 她是著名的小提琴演奏家。and Professor Wang, from Nanjing Foreign Language School, 南京外国语学校的王教授,he is very famous for translating from Chinese into English, 他非常有名因为他的汉译英水平非常高。Now the first student is Mary from Three Little Pigs English School. Let's give her a big hand."

  "Thank you very much. Today is Christmas Day, 今天是圣诞节,and in six days New Year's Day will come. I wish a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Now i am going to sing you a song called Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 现在我给大家唱一首歌,名字叫圣诞快乐,新年快乐。I hope you like it. 我希望大家喜欢这首歌。Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas to you all.  You are merry, you are happy. Merry Christmas to you all. Happy New Year, happy new year, happy new year to you all. We are happy, we are merry, Happy New Year to you all. Thank you."

  "Beautiful, 太美了,Now let's see what our judges think. 让我们来看看我们的评委是怎么想的。Professor Wu, 88 points; Professor Lin, 86 points; Professor Yang, 85 points; Professor Li, 84 points; Professor Zhang, 85 points; and Professor Wang, 83 points. 去掉一个最高分88,去掉一个最低分83,her final score is 85. 她的最后得分是85分,Congratulations, Mary!"





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