


互联网 2016-08-09 10:46:57



  自从Little Bear上次逃学,被Old woman教育了一番,he changes a lot. He is now the best student in his class. All his teachers like him, 特别是his math teacher,Miss Li Hua. His math teacher, Miss Li Hua likes him very much. She often says, Little Bear is very clever. He is number one in math in his class. If we have a math competition, I am sure he will get first prize. After some time, there is a math competition in the kindergarten. Many animals come to the competition. 主持人is Li Hua. She says, Welcome to our math competition. Today we have four judges. They are Professor Li from Tsinghua University, Professor Chen from Police Officers University, Dr. Second Little Pig from the hospital for animals, and Mr. Third Little Pig from Three Little Pigs Computer Company.Let's give them a warm welcome. So all the little animals give them a warm welcome.
  自从小熊上次逃学,被old woman教育了一番,他就改变了很多。现在他是他们班上最好的学生。所有的老师都喜欢他,特别是他的数学老师,李华小姐。他的数学老师很喜欢他。她经常说,小熊非常聪明。他在他们班上的数学成绩是第一。如果有数学竞赛,我能确定他肯定得第一名。过了一段时间,幼儿园里举行了数学竞赛。许多动物都来参加竞赛。主持人是李华。她说,欢迎来参加我们的数学竞赛。今天我们有四位评委。他们分别是来自清华大学的李教授。来自警官学院的陈教授。动物医院的第二只小猪,来自三只小猪电脑公司的第三只小猪。让我们热烈欢迎他们的到来。所有的小动物都热烈地欢迎他们。

  "Ok, it's time to start our math competition. Listen to me carefully.I have ten questions. The first five are very easy to answer, but the second five are very difficult to answer. I will read the ten questions one by one. After i read one question, if you are sure you can answer the question, you must 按抢答键。Every chair has a 抢答键。Understand?" All the animals say, "Yeah!" "Ok, question NO. 1, What is thirty plus thirty?" Little bear is very quick, he's the first to按抢答键盘。He stands up and answers, "Thirty plus thirty is sixty." "Good job! Please give him ten points. Congratulations, little bear, Now,question NO. 2, What is one hundred minus thirty?" This time, little fox is the first to按抢答键. He stands up and answers,"One hundred minus thirty is seventy." Professor Chen says,"Good job. Please give him tem points." "Gongratulations, Little Fox."

  好的,现在就让我们开始数学竞赛吧。请仔细听我讲,这里有10个问题。前5个问题比较简单,但是后5个就比较难了。我会一个一个读问题。当我读完问题的时候,如果你有答案,那就请按抢答键抢答。每把椅子都有一个抢答键。听明白了吗?所有的动物都说,听明白了。“好的,第一个问题是,三十加三十是多少?”小熊动作很快,他是第一个按抢答键的。他站起来回答,说“三十加三十是六十。” “答得好,请给他加十分。”“祝贺你,小熊,好的,现在是第二个问题,100减30是多少?”这次,小狐狸是第一个按抢答键的。他站起来回答,“100减30是70” 陈教授说,“答得好,请给他加10分。”“祝贺你,小狐狸。”





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