11 – in hot water
To be in hot water means to be in trouble, especially in a situation where you will be punished or someone will be mad at you。 If your boss discovers you’ve been using your time at work to play computer games, you’ll be in hot water!
“In hot water”意味着你有麻烦了,尤其指那种你会受到惩罚、别人会对你生气的情况。如果你的老板发现你上班时间玩电脑,那你就等着感受一番“水深火热”吧!
12 – have the hots for someone
This expression is an informal way to say “romantically/sexually attracted to someone。” For example, my sister has the hots for a guy in her writing class; she can’t stop thinking about him。
13 – hot to trot
If someone is hot to trot, it means they are ready, willing, eager and enthusiastic to start something or to go ahead。 Let’s say your company proposes a partnership with a non-profit organization; if the organization seems very excited about it and wants to move forward right away, they are hot to trot。
如果说某个人“hot to trot”,那就说明这个人已经摩拳擦掌、迫不及待、热情满涨地想要大干一场了。比如说,你的公司提出和一个非营利组织建立合作关系;如果那个组织对这个提议十分感兴趣,并且想要马上开始,那他们就是“hot to trot”。
14 – hot on someone’s heels
In a race or competition, being hot on someone’s heels means to be immediately behind them, in close pursuit。 For example, the second-place runner can be hot on the heels of the runner in the lead。 Or a company that is leading the market by a small margin might have a competitor that is hot on its heels。
在一场比赛中,“being hot on someone’s heels”意味着在某人之后紧追不舍,差距甚小。例如,跑步比赛中的第二名如果距第一名很近,那就是在其后“紧追不舍”。或者一个仅仅以微薄优势领先市场的公司,可能就会有一个紧追不舍的竞争者。
15 – strike while the iron is hot
This expression means you should take advantage of especially good conditions to take some action now。
For example, if you want to buy a house and there is a sudden drop in house prices, you should strike while the iron is hot and buy a house now while the prices are low。