2018年冀教版五年级英语上册《Let’s Look at a Map!》教案设计 (2)
Stus: cou-n-try Tea: Who can have a try? Who can read it? (Find a group to read this word.)
Tea: Our country is _________. Stus:
China Tea: Do you know another countries? Stu1: China Stu2: Canada Stu3; U.S. (United States)
Stu4: U.K. (United Kingdom)
Tea: OK. Let’s go on guessing!
It’s a piece of paper.(示意纸张) It’s small, but it has many many countries. Do you know what it is ? Stus: map、地图 Tea: map (出示图卡领读) m-a-p; Stus:map Tea: Now boys and girls. Let’s play a game.I have some countries. Let’s look and see what they are.(CAI展示一张电子地图,点击地图知晓国家名称)
Tea: The green/purple/red/yellow/blue country is ________.
Stu1: The green country is Canada.
Stu2: The purple country is the U.S. ./
Stu3: The red country is China.
Stu4: The yellow country is Australia.
Stu5: The blue country is the U.K. .
Tea: Do you have a map? Now let’s open your book let see the map on the book. Turn to page 18, Part One. First, try to read after it and found the questions.
CAI出示问题: What colour is China/ the U.K./ the U.S./ Australia/ Canada? Tea: Now try to read after me. And then tell me the answer.
Stu1: The green country is Canada.
Stu2: The purple country is the U.S. ./
Stu3: The red country is China.
Stu4: The yellow country is Australia.
Stu5: The blue country is the U.K. .
2、课中小憩、一支歌 Tea; Are you tired? Do you want to have a rest? Let’s have a song. The wheel on the bus.(CAI课件演示,师生共舞)
3、重点词汇,方位学习 We have sang it “ The wheel on the bus go up and down. Up and down, up and down.” Do you know what’s the meaning of “up” and “down”? Stus: 上和下
Tea: up down(动作演示,引导学生复习up, down, left, right)
Tea: But, boys and girls. On the map we can say it (手指向上方)---- north 逐步展示方位:north, south, up , down.
标注方位: 板书
3、句型学习 North is up, so we can say “North points up.” 板书:North points up. Tea: Try to read after me. Stus: North points up. Tea: North points up. (手指向上方)
So, south points_____.(让学生一步一步接着老师的话,引导学生独立运作)
Stu1: South point down.
Stu2: East points right
Stu3: West points left. Tea: (一边拍手一边试着教歌谣)
North, north, up South, south, down north south east west